Inspired by Jonah
I love storms, big rolling thunderstorms with lightning and
all. I sure miss those. Don’t get me wrong, I love California, it’s where my
deepest roots are, but after living in Pennsylvania for 18 years, I have roots
there as well that will probably never die. And one of the things I miss about
Pennsylvania is those huge storms that we’d get there. My girls and I would
sit on the porch and watch them until the lightning got so close that even
we’d get scared! I don’t know why we love storms so much. Maybe it’s the power
of a storm, the controlled chaos of a storm, or maybe it’s the providence of a
storm, bringing rain to the earth and thereby life to the earth. Whatever it
is, when I hear the word storm, it immediately has a positive connotation to
it. It brings the warm fuzzies to my heart right away, especially now after a
long dry California summer.
Of course, there are many kinds of storms, aren’t there!
Some of the not so positive variety. First, there are the literal storms that
bring destruction and death: hurricanes, tornados, monsoons, hail, heavy rain,
wind, lightning, blizzards. All of which can bring floods, fire, and like I
said, destruction and death. And then there are other kinds of storms. Storms
of the less literal kind. Storms in your life that can bring chaos, fear,
panic, sadness, loss, as well as destruction and death too. These storms can be
just as overwhelming as the literal kind, I’d say even more so. And right now,
many of us are feeling like we have multiple storms coming from multiple
directions! The pandemic storm is coming at us from the east. The election
storm is coming at us from the west. The economic crisis is coming at us from
the north. And those are just the storms coming if you’re lucky! But if you’re
from a disenfranchised group there’s a whole host of other storms that some
have to deal with. If you’re from the LGBTQ+ community, you have a homophobic
storm coming at ya. If you’re a person of color, you have a racist storm coming
at ya. If you’re a woman, you have a sexist storm coming at ya! So many storms
for us to navigate through! It’s easy to see how we can relate to the sailors
from our story for today as we cry out, “What the hell, God? What do we gotta
do to get out of these storms!”

So, with all that unpleasantness in mind, let’s jump into
this story of Jonah. Probably one of the most widely known parables of the
Hebrew scriptures, even the non-religious know of the story of the man that got
swallowed by a big fish and survived, or whale, depending on how you first
heard it. Before we jump in though, let’s catch ourselves up real quick like.
Last week we read the story of the beginning of the prophet Elijah’s ministry
in the northern kingdom of Israel. And with this story of Jonah, not only are
we still in the northern kingdom, but we are now fully entrenched in the time
of the prophets, and will remain here through Advent until we get to our Gospel
readings for the year which will be from Luke. The prophets play all kinds of
roles as God’s people stumble their way through their faith journey with God.
Their prophets will challenge them, judge them, warn them, as well as encourage
them, and give them hope that not even they understood fully. To be a prophet
in that day is not as different as our ministry is today as we’d think, but
that’s for another sermon.
The thing to keep in mind about the story of Jonah is that
the story is not really about Jonah, it’s about God. This tiny little
four-chapter book is really a commentary on who God is, especially in light of
the fact that God’s people were realizing that they didn’t really like who they
had become. A journey we’ve all taken, right! So, the book starts out with God
asking Jonah to go to Nineveh and basically warn them that God’s judgment was
coming due to their bad behavior. Now, right off the bat, the original readers
of this story knew that something was off, something was different, if not
altogether wrong. Because, you see, Nineveh is not in Israel, it’s not even in
the southern kingdom of Judah. Nineveh is in Assyria! In fact, it’s the capital
city of one of Israel’s vilest enemies! If this was a Star Wars story they
would be the Empire! If this was a Star Trek story they would be the Borg! If
this was a Lord of the Rings story they would be Mordor! Wo, I am a nerd, but
you get my meaning, right? The Assyrians were the ones who first conquered
Israel and began their long captivity! So, why in the world would God send
Jonah to warn these vile Assyrians about anything? We don’t find that out until
the end so let’s keep moving.
So, what does Jonah do? The exact opposite of what God just
said of course! Jonah tries to escape God’s reach by booking passage on a ship
going in the opposite direction as Nineveh. Why? Again, the author doesn’t
reveal that until the end, so we just gotta keep moving. A storm to end all
storms hits the ship, and the sailors, desperate to save their lives, throw
Jonah overboard, which by the way, was Jonah’s idea, which speaks to just how
disconnected Jonah was. I’m not sure if he was suicidal, if he wanted to be a
martyr and sacrifice himself for these strangers, or if he was suffering from
depression, who knows. Any way you slice it, Jonah seems to be in a very bad
place. Disconnected from life itself. Which makes sense because he’s trying to
disconnect himself from God. Not only is he in the midst of the worst storm of
his life, and I’m not talking about the literal storm here, but he’s trying to
go through that alone. A recipe for disaster that any one of us could have told
him. Poor Jonah. My heart goes out to him but we can’t stop there because
there’s something even bigger at work here than Jonah.
The sailors throw him overboard and instead of God just
letting Jonah die for his disobedience, God saves him. A big fish swallows him
and keeps him in the tender care of her belly until God tells her to vomit him
out onto the beach. Jonah probably thinks this whole debacle is over with and
that now he can just go back home and resume whatever it is an unemployed
prophet does because anything is better than that Nineveh plan of God’s was!
Unfortunately for Jonah, while the seawater is still dripping from his beard,
God says, “Actually, I still need you to go to Nineveh and do what I asked you
to do.” I can just see him roll his eyes like a rebellious teenager who thought
he got the best of mom but didn’t! So, off Jonah goes to Nineveh, realizing
that trying to get out of this is futile, and does what God originally asked
him to do, warn the Assyrians of God’s impending judgment. Their response? They make a complete 180 and commit themselves to ending their evil ways! God’s
response? God seems pleased with their change of heart, changes God’s mind, and
God takes that finger off the doom button!
This is when we finally figure out what all this is about! The
final chapter opens by stating how furious Jonah is with God and this whole
Nineveh business! At first, he doesn’t believe it and goes outside the city with
a bucket of popcorn for a nice view of their destruction! But it never comes!
Jonah’s furious! Why? Because those evil Assyrians had it coming to them! If
anyone deserved God’s judgment, it was them! This was why he didn’t want to go
to Nineveh in the first place! Because he knew how compassionate, forgiving,
and loving God could be! And he didn’t want to risk the possibility that God
would forgive those vile people of Nineveh! God sets him straight with an
analogy of a shade tree but basically tells him, “I’m God, and as God, I can do
whatever I want to do, can forgive whoever I want to forgive, can pity whoever
I want to pity! Period!” And that’s just what God did.
Unfortunately, we don’t hear any more from Jonah. We don’t
get to find out if he has a change of heart and agrees with God’s love and
forgiveness. My guess? He doesn’t. Similar to the parable of the Rich Young
Ruler that Jesus taught, I’m imagining that he walked away, head down, in utter
disbelief. Because, remember, this story is not about Jonah, it’s about
something bigger. Jonah represented who God’s people had become, a
narrow-minded, exclusive, judgmental, xenophobic, people who had lost touch
with whose they were and what their purpose was. And so, this story in
particular comes as a huge slap in the face to all that they had become, a
people who thought that God’s love was exclusively theirs, and that exclusivity
becomes their downfall.
Now, here’s where it gets real interesting! The outsiders in
this tale, are just the opposite! The sailors and the Assyrian people of
Nineveh, are the most inclusive people you’d ever meet! Think about it, on that
ship, those sailors didn’t care that Jonah came from a different land or had a
different God. They were completely open to the possibility that Jonah’s God
could get them out of their predicament, even though their own gods could not.
They even prayed to Jonah’s God! And their inclusiveness is what saved them.
Likewise, the people of Nineveh could have thrown Jonah and his weird God out
on the streets, or worse, they could have strung him up by his neck outside the
city walls. After all, they were the villainous Assyrians, right? But that’s
not what they do. In fact, they turn out to be even more inclusive than those
sailors! Jonah preaches to them about his own God and the destruction that
could befall them due to their bad behavior, and they listen! More than that, they
obey! And just like those sailors, their inclusiveness is what saves them. Had
they been unwilling to even listen to an outsider and his God, the story would
have turned out quite different.

Again, my heart goes out to Jonah, especially because I was once
like him. I didn’t understand how God could love certain people. I didn’t
understand how God could look past certain behaviors. I didn’t understand how
God could love people that couldn’t love. I just didn’t understand God. I
eventually got there but not without a fight and a whole lot of kicking and
screaming. But the story of Jonah doesn’t point to us, just like it doesn’t
point to Jonah, it points us to a God whose love is farther reaching than we
could imagine, or sometimes even want; it points to a God whose forgiveness is
so powerful, it can make the most faithful person jealous; it points to a God
whose inclusivity can boggle the mind; it points to a God that we are called to
share with others, whether we want to or not. Why? Because there are many
people caught in many storms out there. And like Jonah, even when those storms
come to us, our call remains the same, maybe even more so because we know what
it’s like to be caught in a storm, and thanks be to God for that. Amen.